King Louis …aka “Louie, NO!”


I can’t really say I was ready for a new dog.  I am still very sad over the loss of Bobbijo last year.  Dogs are family members.  You love them…and you will be sad and miss them when they are gone, especially those with whom you shared a lot of life with.  I will not belabor the point here, other than to say I always knew another dog would eventually live here with us and the two that have been here….but I can’t say I was ready.  My wife, Elizabeth, however, decided that I needed a dog for my birthday a couple of weeks ago.  Still, I am a little unconvinced.  But…such things matter little.  And so, a rescued little puppy has joined the family.  He and his siblings were evidently found wandering in the cold a couple of months ago and wound up with a friend who does rescues and pet adoption.  So….papers filled out, fees paid….and a new leash bought…and here he is.  “Louie.”  He answers to it.  Usually.  Well.  Sometimes.  But at least more than other names.

Generally I imagined I’d eventually find a more senior dog….afterall, they are harder to get adopted out and sometimes have their own issues (age, but also some distrust and/or confusion at having been lost or, even worse, cast aside when they were no longer cute and tiny and fuzzy.  Some people just suck.  And I believe the old dogs need love for whatever time they have left here.) So I really did not expect another puppy.  But…like other such things…my expectations sometimes matter little.  Dogs show up when they are intended to show up and they show up in whatever form they are intended to.  He is a cute little monster.  Some sort of Boarder Collie-Lab mix.  Quite loving and he is learning from us (and the other canine residents) how to be a good dog.  I’m certain he will do fine.

But …he is a puppy.  And this means the occasional accidents, chewed items, etc.  It also means it is hard to get a good photo of him.  Aside of him being an almost all dark black puppy he also doesn’t stay still very long.  Not a good combination for the photographic process.

The little mountain climber.

Today, I was going through some tax paperwork in the filing cabinet…and I heard someone fart.  Impressively loud.  Like out of a movie.  Rivaling some of mine after a bowl of chili.  It was Louie.  Unfortunately, I think he also scared himself and then had more than just gas.  Oh joy.  Well….it does seem an appropriate commentary on the paperwork I was looking over at the time.  Anyway….I got that cleaned up.  Then a few minutes later, Elizabeth got home….before getting far into the house she noted that something smelled like shit.  “Yep.” I said matter of factly and without further comment.  Ah yes, the joys of puppyhood.


And this–

You are all comfy lying on the couch and your little brother wants to bother you and play.  You’d really like to kick his butt and teach him a lesson about interrupting a nap…..but doing so means you’d actually have to get up….and you are so comfortable you just can’t seem to do it…

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