Shameless Self Promotion.

Since I had mentioned in my prior post an intent to gradually make a job of my ability to source rare and unusual items for restorers, tinkerers, experimenters, etc, etc. I figured I may as well let you know one of the venues on which I can be found.  eBay.  My username there is simply


(I’ve been on there so long that I did not have to make up funny variations of letters and numbers to get the name….I simply typed it in and it was not yet taken.)


Some weeks it might be vintage electronic stuff or old automotive items, other times rare books or unusual fittings….Sometimes items of my own creation……sometimes a combination of all sorts…..who knows?….I tend to run the gamut, but often the items will have some commonality–they will be unusual, hard to find, or old.  If there is something specific you seek, drop me a note–I may have it or I may know where to find it.

So that’s the shameless self promotion for today.

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