Any Job Done Well Is Art

Yesterday I had to make a parts run to our local machine shop to pick up some custom made bushings for part of a railroad passenger car.  While waiting at the counter for the machinist to bring out our parts, I noticed this message on their chalkboard:  “Any Job Done Well Is Art.”   This is a message that quickly resonated with me.

It is a profound and yet often overlooked truth.  Without question we accept that painters, musicians, glassblowers, actors, writers, etc, etc are practicing art.  Equally so are those who are doing or creating anything, be it something as utilitarian as a rail car bushing or something that at first may seem completely mundane or even boring like an organized set of books for the business’ operations.  When something is done well, it often looks effortless from an outsider’s viewpoint.  In our society this often leads to an under-appreciation of the task and those involved with it. Afterall, how hard can it be, right?  Well….wrong.  Those who can accomplish their tasks in such a way that it looks like they are hardly working at all are true masters of their craft.  They did not just wake up one day being able to perform at that level.  It took instruction and practice, trial and error to eventually get it right.

Whatever it is that you have to do today, try to do it so well that it looks effortless…..and then be proud of the artistry that you accomplished!…but also do not forget to appreciate the efforts of others who are performing their own artistry around you.

A Profound Truth.
A Profound Truth.

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