The Doors.


So I got a couple of doors.  These doors happen to fit a vintage Tokheim gas pump.  (the short version of the Tokheim 39 if I recall correctly)  I do not have one of these pumps, although I would like one.  These doors, however–in conjunction with one of the correct gas pump dial faces that I already have, are destined for a neon art project that may end up hanging on a wall of the house or perhaps along the fence out back beside my old hit-and-miss engines, other vintage signs, old car, etc.  Why?  Simply because I want to.  Actually because I have been wanting to.  This is one of those projects I have had in mind for quite some time and just needed the parts for.  It just turned out I had to drive to Colorado to get them.  I am used to having to travel or otherwise devise creative ways to get parts and supplies–logistical challenges are a part of every real Alaskan’s life.  (One prior job entailed solving such issues every day.) In the case of these doors…I feel rather fortunate to have found them!  They are, even in their present condition, simply perfect!


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