Two Minutes or Two Hours

Just a very quick little post that could turn into two hours of your time if you choose to pursue it further….

Last week, on March 26th, I had the opportunity to do a zoom presentation for the Museum of Neon Art in Los Angeles. They have been hosting an excellent series of talks with various neon artists so it was, for me, a great honor to be able to participate in this. Public speaking is not really my thing, so I found it to be a pushing of the comfort zone a bit…..but that is a good thing, really.

My specific topic covered a little bit of my prior background and artwork but mostly concentrated on my preservation and research of vintage neon shop tools and some electrode history….things often overlooked by many vintage sign enthusiasts.

The recording of the presentation has since been uploaded to their site along with many other excellent presentations from talented artists. You may find these here:


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