What to do with this?

So as many, or at least a few, ok, maybe no one may have noticed, I had stopped adding to this blog page a long time ago. Partly this was due to wanting to pursue another direction with my web presence and partly due to other obligations. In any case, I basically let this field lay fallow for a while.

I opted to keep the site online, primarily because in a few other online groups that I am a member of there would be questions whose answers were contained in a few of the things I’d previously written about here….so it made it easy to drop a link where needed rather than retyping the same thing over and over. Usually this was well received by others and even resulted in some good follow-up discussions or questions. Sometimes these were a bit surprising to me in that they came from sources I usually associated as being authorities on a subject….but hey, we all know something and we all don’t know something, so the opportunity for information exchange is a good thing for everyone. The frequency of having a reason to do this has made it apparent that some of the information here is still valuable and relevant for others. So it has not been a pointless exercise to keep it available.

I have decided to move forward on my new website and will update here as well. This page will probably become the subpage/blog for the new site, as it will provide a place for the miscellaneous topics and information…some related to the new site and some a little more off the path.

Some of the items contained here, after some review, will probably get revised (hey, I continue to research and learn so some revisions or additions will be in order on a few topics) and migrated over. Other items will be left alone. And lastly, some new material will probably appear here–not necessarily in any specific order but just as I feel like adding to it.

During the period since I had last looked through my pending comments folder, a veritable crapload of spam was deposited. Evidently the available spam filters are not as good as advertised. (I don’t know why I expect something to work as advertised, especially in this dumpster fire of a year, but I do.) So, this morning I cleaned house. There were far too many comments to individually assess so they were all dumped. If someone had a legitimate topic related question or idea that was lost in this process I am genuinely sorry to have missed it. However, if the comment was from a bot or was carnival barking your specific brand of political hack, your real estate business, your porn site, or even just tying to get me to join your fantasy football league…or anything else that was not related to the topic, then rest assured that I will not lose any sleep over my bulk deletion efforts today.


  1. It was so good to see your post this morning… I wondered what had happened to you, and in these crazy times the bad things always seem a little closer than they were.
    I always enjoy reading your posts having been in the business of Neon for a while. You have a great way of writing that makes me feel like we are having a chat about ‘stuff’, and it’s always good to have a chat!
    It’s also a appropriate time to clear out the crap and look at things from a different perspective, and I’m glad you caught me before I changed my email address!
    Look forward to a link where I can follow you and keep up with the chatting!
    Best wishes to you and yours XXX

    1. Thank you for the kind words, and I am glad you were able to reconnect with new email address. Yes, when I do complete the new page, I will be certain to announce it on this one as well and provide appropriate links.

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