Poetry….or not.

Not so long ago my wife, Elizabeth, suggested that we should attempt writing some poetry.  I say “attempt” because poetry is really not my medium.  Not that I don’t enjoy a good poem, and especially a Limerick, but….well……..I’ve just never considered really trying to write poetry regardless of how moved I may be by some subject matter….because you see

I’m really not a poet, and everyone would certainly know it.

With paper and pen, I could get a few words in.

But to those who could read I’d be forced to concede,

That I should just crumple and throw it.


See what I did there?   …think nothing of it.   I wouldn’t.  Shoot, even if the cadence reads right, it’s not even a good Limerick because it is not filthy.  I mean, you could let your kids read that and it would be ok……what fun is that?


Have a great weekend, everyone!


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