Art And Science Should Be Messy.

    I have, since I can remember, had an affinity for tools and instruments…..and I actively use them and collect them at nearly every opportunity.   In school, the scientific instruments and devices used to illustrate physical and chemical phenomenon were always of interest to me.  I am not one who is content with… Continue reading Art And Science Should Be Messy.

Safety Means Never Having to Say “Ouch!” (…or “#@$%^&&*!!!”)

Recently I was asked to prepare a president’s message for the newsletter of our local rock club, the Chugach Gem and Mineral Society.  With spring approaching (ok, maybe I’m still a few Alaskan months early but we start looking forward to spring and summer in anticipation like little kids awaiting Christmas…’s just what we do,… Continue reading Safety Means Never Having to Say “Ouch!” (…or “#@$%^&&*!!!”)