Air Switch for Bombarder Control

Quite some time ago, I described in detail the wiring of my neon shop’s bombarder control panel. (see I have received a bit of recurrent requests for the schematic or other details of it over the years…while there are many ways to address such a set up, the use of multiple safety switches to… Continue reading Air Switch for Bombarder Control

Safety Means Never Having to Say “Ouch!” (…or “#@$%^&&*!!!”)

Recently I was asked to prepare a president’s message for the newsletter of our local rock club, the Chugach Gem and Mineral Society.  With spring approaching (ok, maybe I’m still a few Alaskan months early but we start looking forward to spring and summer in anticipation like little kids awaiting Christmas…’s just what we do,… Continue reading Safety Means Never Having to Say “Ouch!” (…or “#@$%^&&*!!!”)