Shedding Some Light

Production engineering is an entire specialty in and unto itself.  Making one of something or even a handful is comparatively easy.  Making thousands of them–all alike, in a mass production environment, is another matter entirely.  Even something as ubiquitous as a common incandescent lightbulb takes on a whole new dimension when placed into a production… Continue reading Shedding Some Light

Cat’s Eyes and Flashing Neon…. “Magneon” …or how one thing leads to another down the rabbit hole of the pursuit of knowledge.

Not too long ago I was going through some papers, old ads and such…. I have a small forest’s worth of rare books, vintage (as opposed to just old) catalogs and spec sheets, ads, etc.  Such a library, no matter how well organized (or not!) is essential to the type of work I often undertake. … Continue reading Cat’s Eyes and Flashing Neon…. “Magneon” …or how one thing leads to another down the rabbit hole of the pursuit of knowledge.