Identifying and Dating Vintage Neon Transformers

NOTE:  This post is a little different in that it is one I expect, actually hope, to be able to update and revise as new information becomes available.  If this proves to be the case, I will be sure to specify the date that I made any additions or corrections to it and keep things… Continue reading Identifying and Dating Vintage Neon Transformers

Neon 101 …an introduction to how neon signs are made.

Neon signs are without a doubt one of the most ubiquitous advertising and art forms of the modern times.  Very few can say they’ve never seen one–be it in a shop window, a beacon of light on a dark and lonely highway, or in a movie.  Yet in spite of how commonplace they are, and… Continue reading Neon 101 …an introduction to how neon signs are made.